Beginnings are hard
Well, here we are. As an aging Gen-Xer, it’s practically the law that I start up a Substack. Well, either that or host a podcast and I really don’t feel like purchasing a microphone.
My main goal when it comes to lighting this candle is to share random thoughts about topics of personal interest and cultivate a community that does likewise. Since this is just starting it’s a work in progress as far as specifics go. I have some general ideas about the directions I wish to go in, frequency of posts, as well as what types of recurring features I plan on including. We all know about best-laid plans, however. Time, and response from my readers will determine the ultimate look and feel of this newsletter. I don’t know what this will look like next week, next month, or in the year 2525. That’s mostly up to you and to what excites me. As a general intro, the types of things I’m most obsessed about include, but are not limited to:
Halls of Fame
Saturday Night Live
What really happens when one mixes pop rocks with Coca-Cola
Bad 1970’s TV
Yes, I recognize that I’m making the bold choice to focus on topics that are literally not covered anyplace else on The Internets, but there you go.
So, welcome aboard. I hope we’ll speak frequently and that we can build a fun little community together. My intent is to keep this as a free newsletter for now, eventually transitioning to a minimal subscription fee.
Finally, without readers this is merely an ego trip. Please feel free to forward to anyone you know who would be interested. I promise future posts will be funnier and more entertaining.
"Tending the Herd"...excellent.
I’m here for the Greatest Song Evah!